Designing a RESTful API with Python and Flask miguelgrinberg com

Your users will need to access your data in real time, such as for display on another website or as part of an application. Learn how to set up a basic Application Programming Interface to make your data more accessible to users. This lesson also discusses principles of API design and the benefits of APIs for digital projects. They are the standard method to expose databases to clients and knowing how to develop a REST API is a necessity at all layers of the stack. Pyramid framework includes all the standard features of a web framework such as MVC pattern, routing, templating, security, session, databases, and logging. It includes a web server called pserve, but it works well with Apache and Nginx for production deployment.

For instance, you might find some developers using retrieve while others use get. It is, therefore, better to use the HTTP GET verb and let it tell us what a certain endpoint does. You should make sure that you are using nouns in endpoint paths instead of verbs as some developers do. Nouns are supposed to represent the entity of the endpoint you want to manipulate or retrieve. Some people might argue that this is a design principle and not one of the best practices. Well, it is important to distinguish between design principles and best practices.

Running the Application

They can do that by following the best practices discussed above. This is one of the best practices and does not care whether your data structure in your database follows this format or not. If you can, you should not even mirror the structure of your database on your endpoints. This ensures that cybercriminals do not have a way of gaining access to your API information. Always make sure that your APIs send all their responses in JSON. This is because JSON is the standard and modern protocol accepted when transferring data and many network technologies have not had problems accepting JSON.

python api design

Eventually he had to shut down the free plan and only provide a paid plan in addition to allowing others to host the open source code. Fraud and malware prevention are difficult problems so keep an eye on server utilization and endpoint calls growth to separate legitimate from illegitimate traffic. At the end of this lesson, you’ll be exposed to a somewhat more complex API that uses a database, but most of the principles and patterns we’ve used so far will still apply. python api design In the next section, we’ll discuss some guidelines for creating a well-designed API that others will actually want to use. In the last section of the tutorial, we’ll apply these principles to a version of our API that pulls in results from a database. This section will show you how to build a prototype API using Python and the Flask web framework. In this case, besides title and date of publication, our API will also serve the first sentence of each book.


For web frameworks built on Python, there are certain omissions. Since Python is not used in browsers, its role in building frontend web applications is nil. However, Python is still used for building desktop and command-line applications, which may communicate with an existing REST API backend. Therefore in the case of Python, the overall scope of the web framework is more server heavy. At the client-side, Python’s scope is limited to providing HTTP libraries for making API calls to the server. They are programming interfaces that allow applications to communicate and share information.

  • This course will teach you how to build a professional API platform using pure flask, without any supplemental libraries .
  • The from_connection_string factory method should take the same set of arguments as the constructor.
  • It allows you to return data stored in your local memory instead of going through the database all the time you need to retrieve some data.
  • Open the file and edit the in_memory_datastore to add the additional entries.

The GET request that retrieves the task list could be expanded in a couple of ways. First, this request could take optional pagination arguments, so that a client can request a portion of the list. Another way to make this function more useful would be to allow filtering by certain criteria. For example, a client might want to see only completed tasks, or only tasks with a title that begins with the letter A. For starters, a real web service should be backed by a real database.

Python API Tutorials

These REST hooks are similar to webhooks, but provide a different mechanism for subscribing to updates via a REST interface. Both REST hooks and webhooks are far more efficient than polling for updates and notifications.

  • Gives an answer from a Dropbox API developer as to their decision making process.
  • RESTful web services with Pythonis an interesting overview of the Python API frameworks space.
  • Loading this certificate to your server is also not difficult.
  • Combined, the query and the the filters provided by the user will allow us to pull the correct books from our database.

Flask does not restrict how you declare your endpoints, but you’ll find it easier if you keep them logically grouped. This will look for a POST to /companies with company data in the body of the request. Rather than handling the data , we return success and include a 201 status code. In the GET example a status code wasn’t required because 200 is Flask’s default. It uses a class for each resource and connects routes to instances of a resource. Due to the use of a class, it makes more sense to declare the hard-coded array of companies within the company resource class.

Understanding Our Database-Powered API

When developing an API, developers have to consider several things, key among them ease of use, performance, security, flexibility, and stability. If not, then they will be creating problems for their clients instead of offering solutions to their problems. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the initial concepts, setup your environment, and create your first POST.

Is RESTful API hard to learn?

Easy to Learn and Implement

Talking about the architecture, REST is based on the client-server architecture where the client is completely separated from the server.

This presents a problem once clients can delete items from the datastore. He was an active participant in worldwide programming contests at university. He has leveraged the powerful analytical Python libraries to perform data analysis and performance optimization for a trading system that works at a microsecond level.

Create the Delete Record Endpoint

The days of rolling your own networking using the sockets library in C are long gone. REST, however, requires no specific interface definition, and offers wider support for data output types.

python api design

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